
Showing posts from March, 2021

Introduction to OSI Model

 Introduction to OSI Model OSI model is based on the proposal developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO).  This model is called ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference model because it deals with connecting open systems (systems that are open for communication with other systems)  We call it as OSI Model. Principles on which OSI model was designed: A layer should be created where different level of abstraction is needed. Each layer should perform a well defined function. The function of each layer should be chosen according to the internationally standardized protocols. The number of layers should be large enough that distinct functions should not be put in the same layer and small enough that the architecture does not become very complex.  1. Physical Layer It is the bottom layer of OSI Model.  It is responsible for the actual physical connection between the devices. Such physical connection may be made by using twisted pair cable....

JavaScript Prompt Box Tutorial in Hindi / Urdu


JavaScript Prompt Box Tutorial in Hindi / Urdu


Alert Box in JavaScript || How to Build a JavaScript Alert Box or Popup ...
